In structural geology a duplex is a system of imbricate overlapping thrusts that branch off from a single fault below and merge with a thrust fault above.
Roof thrust duplex.
Duplexes are formed through continued thrusting along a floor.
The resulting thrust wedge shows a duplex geometry so the outcropping upper unit acting as a roof sequence sensu banks and warburton 1986 can be considered a passive roof duplex.
Banks and warburton 1986 p.
Duplex roofs face challenges in terms of maintenance and re roofing.
The rock body that is bounded by faults above and below is called a horse.
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If only one owner decides to re roof the other part of the roof might get affected.
Duplex is a thrust sheet mass which is bounded by a fioor thrust and a roof thrust often duplex structures are imbricated.
The newly installed roof also might not function as expected due to the incompatibility at the joints.
Boyer and elliott 1982 state that the roof thrust of a duplex is initiated as a major thrust.
In those conditions two main structural styles can develop at the front of fold and thrust belts.
The roof thrust of the duplex occurs along a single bedding plane in a prominent dolomite horizon.
Duplexes form stacks of thrust bounded rock bodies which are bounded by roof and floor thrusts.
Passive roof duplex underlying floor sequence is commonly referred to as passive roof thrusting.
Also upper and lower detachments have been described in a similar context for fold duplex structures dahlstrom 1969a.
Growth of the stewart anticline occurred by forward displacement on the stewart thrust and delamination of the passive roof sequence during tectonic wedging.
Further displacement then takes place via the newly created ramp.
Sole thrust at the base and by a roof thrust at the top mcclay 1992.
Growth of the tectonic wedge occurred by forward propagation of the backthrust and.
Toward the foreland of a growing thrust belt which attains an extremely narrow cross sectional taper davis and engelder 1985.
The owners must have a common maintenance agreement in order for the roofs to be intact.
A duplex as a reminder is an array of thrust horses bounded by a floor thrust i e.
Duplexes occur where there are two decollement levels close to each other within a sedimentary sequence.
This may cause renewed propagation along the floor thrust until it again cuts up to join the roof thrust.