Briefly remove the piece and apply roofing cement where it will sit.
Roof step and wall.
Place the first piece of step flashing over the end of the starter strip ensuring it leads directly into the kickout flashing.
Step flashing should be integrated with the drainage plane above for example overlap housewrap over it.
Start by marking the pitch angle of your roof on the top edge of your sidewall starting at the corner of the trim.
To install the roof wall flashing above the builder bent the top edge of the flashing into a 90 degree lip about 2 cm in width.
That lip is then set into a reglet or groove in this case cut into the mortar joint of the brick wall above.
Where we provide more details about the right way to install flashing at the roof to wall intersection.
Using metal cutting snips remove the sections marked with an x.
Step and cover flashingslots more helpful info on lead roof flashings here http www fixmyroof co uk install roof flashings step flashingthis video show ho.
Step flashing is preferred over continuous flashing for roof flashing where the roof meets the wall.
Installing step flashing to prevent roof leaks step flashing spans the joint between roof shingles and an adjacent side wall.
Here s how to install it correctly.
At wall flashing details.
Step flashing should be extended at least 4 inches up the wall from the roof deck and at least 4 inches out along the roof deck 2015 international residential code irc.
Make a parallel line 1 from your first mark on the lower section of the sidewall flashing mark a straight line across from your angled 1 line.
The roof flashing is then placed up behind this through the wall z bar flashing on the outside of the vertical blocking backing material.
Counter flashing let into the brick mortar joints sealed the top of roof wall flashing that you can t see.
They come in various sizes from 5 5 8 to 10 width.
Place your kickout flashing on the base of the roof snugly against the wall.
Vent flashing done right to prevent leaks back up roof vent boots with flashing counterflashing and proper shingling.
Step flashing is a piece of metal sheet bent square at 90 degrees.
The roof deck flange of step flashings are to be fastened to the surface of each shingle in a position whereby the next course of shingles will cover up hide the flashing from view.
The sketch shown here courtesy of steve bliss and j wiley sons is discussed in detail.
Typically a 10 inch by 8 inch step flashing is chosen when flashing where a roof meets a vertical wall.
Step flashings are to be installed one per course.
Most simply use a nominal 6 piece of lumber.
Because most roof flashing is required to extend up the wall a minimum of 4 and some a minimum of 5.