Snap traps are the most effective and easy way to trap and kill roof rats.
Roof rat bait traps.
Still electronic traps can be costly and require homeowners to dispose of the dead rats.
Electronic traps these roof rat traps use sensors to detect a rodent and deliver an electric shock.
Live traps some people prefer roof rat traps that capture the pests alive.
This will be where you are finding droppings pathways or nest sights.
A recent type of kill trap now commonly used for roof rat control employ electricity.
A rat zapper is a type of trap that kills rats by administering a strong electric shock.
If you smell urine but cannot see it try using a flashlight in the area you suspect urine to be.
Essentially these devices shock the roof rat to death.
Nontoxic baits or attractants are intended to attract rats to a trap.
Pieces of fruit and bacon are particularly effective in drawing roof rats toward traps.
Roof rats may sometimes rest in the tops of trees or buildings thus the name roof rat traveling to the ground at night for food.
Step 3 baiting the traps.
When baiting overhead use a pvc pipe or other tamper resistant bait station to prevent baits from falling to the ground where children or animals may have access to them.
Go to the attic and place a rat trap every few feet with a glue traps between those.
Urine stains and odors rodent urine may be hard to see with the naked eye but it will appear under a uv flashlight.
If they do then a glue trap will be in place to impede their progress.
The rat zapper should be placed close to a roof rat nest or in their runways said ernie henson president.
Victor recommends these baits to trap rats.
Droppings roof rat droppings are capsule shaped with blunt ends measuring 1 4 to 1 2 inch long.
Rats have the ability to learn and retain information so they may start to get wise to your traps and will sometimes run around them.
Install rat zappers where you see such locations.
They will avoid traps unless there is something very attractive on the trap.
Since many models have a cover they tend to be safer around children and pets.
Baits like citrus fruits raisins and nuts are extremely effective for luring roof rats.
Rat droppings are three times larger than mouse droppings.
Baiting is an important part of using traps and with the right bait it s easy to tempt these pests roof rats prefer a different diet than other types of rats so you should use any of the following for bait.
Nesting materials such as dental floss yarn or twine.
Ideally you will need to know where the animals are feeding or active to make the best set.
Zappers are easy to use work off inexpensive batteries and are able to deliver a powerful shot of electricity which will prove fatal to any.
Users must empty this variety often and take on the risk of interacting with a live rodent.
Insects such as slugs.
Catch those rats with victor s roof rat bait suggestions such as nuts berries and peanut butter.
This is where you will catch them.
They are typically shiny black but coloring can vary due to the rat s diet.