Can integrate into other types and styles of railing.
Roof railing architecture term.
Any of a number of closely spaced supports for a railing.
A richly ornamented canopy structure supported by columns suspended from a roof or projected from a wall as over an altar.
The lowest part of a classical entablature.
A railing composition composed of upper and lower rails balusters and pedestals.
A strip of wood usually set in or over the structural deck used to elevate and or attach a primary roof covering such as tile.
A narrow plastic wood or metal bar which is used to fasten or hold the roof membrane and or base flashing in place.
A decorative balustrade lines the roof of this palm beach florida residence designed in.
Any of various tapering or swelling supports as table legs or spindles.
A railing consisting of a row of balusters supporting a rail.
4 in a membrane roof system.
This is a definition from google.
A false balcony or railing at the outer plane of a window.
An individual partnership corporation or other legal entity licensed to practice the profession of architecture under the education law of the state of new york.
Easily follows the roof pattern and moves around obstacles smoothly.
A vertical supporting element similar to a small column.
Materials used can range from stone to brick wood and sheet metal.
Central guttering runs between the two pitches to stop any snow or rain building up in the winter season.
1 cap or cover.
Angled fittings are available to project the railing away from the edge.
A soffit is the horizontal underside of a roof overhang an archway a staircase a ceiling or a similar architectural component.
There are likely to be stricter definitions in architecture than in literature or military usage for example.
She stood on the bridge leaning over the parapet to watch the water race by.
The roof rests on two bearing walls with two sloping walls meeting in the middle to form an m shape.
An inline or offset railing design can reduce or eliminate visibility from below.
Below is a glossary of architectural elements and terms that you may become familiar with when working with architectural realms.
Noun a low protective wall along the edge of a roof bridge or balcony.
The term is derived from the form s constituent posts called balusters.
From the italian soffitta for under and figgere to fix the word soffit dates back to the days of early palladian architecture.
A parapet roof is a flat roof with the walls of the building extending upwards past the roof by a few feet around the edges.
A platform that projects from the wall of a building and which is enclosed on its outer three sides by a balustrade railing or parapet.
Powder coated to any ral color.