Rack roof rack n noun.
Roof rack en espanol.
The next generation of roof racks.
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Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos.
Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino que lleva los artículos el o un en singular y los o unos en plural.
On car portaequipaje nm nombre masculino.
Thule edge and thule evo.
Roof rack rufrahk a noun is a word referring to a person animal place thing feeling or idea e g.
Fuel efficiency can be increased by driving the speed limit and trying not to overpack or load things on the roof rack she said.
Automania be por medio de estas barras completadas por una baca bipper podrá transportar una carga que puede llegar hasta 100 kg sobre su techo.
Open in new enlace a fuente.
Bab la no es responsable de su contenido.
Rhino rack s heavy duty roof rack system is the tough and durable carrying solution for your work related gear.
Fitted with roof bars and a roof rack the bipper can carry a load of up to 100 kg on its roof.
Remove that roof rack if you don t need it a fully loaded roof rack can add 30 per cent to fuel consumption.
F means that a noun is feminine.
Refers to person place thing quality etc.
It had to be red with a roof rack manual shift and excellent sound system.
Constantly aiming at staying one step ahead and working closely together with the car industry thule introduces a new generation of roof rack systems.
Ejemplos de uso para roof rack en español.
Roof rack n baca f.
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Spanish nouns have a gender which is either feminine like la mujer or la luna or masculine like el hombre or el sol.
The low profile thule edge system offers a sleek integrated design while the thule evo system maximizes the loading area and comes with a variety of load bar options.
El televisor un piso.
See 4 authoritative translations of roof in spanish with example sentences conjugations and audio pronunciations.