Orbital plate of ethmoid 4.
Roof of the eye orbit.
The fibrous tunic cornea and sclera the vascular tunic choroid iris and ciliary body and the nervous tunic the eye is further divided into an anterior segment which contains the lens and structures anterior to it and a posterior segment which.
The floor is formed by the orbital plate of the maxilla which separates the orbital cavity from the maxillary sinus.
Most orbital roof fractures are blow in fractures displacement of the bone is towards the orbit.
Each orbit is made up of 7 bones frontal ethmoidal maxillary lacrimal zygomatic sphenoid palatine 8.
The eyes are paired sensory organs that enable vision.
The orbital surface presents medially by trochlear fovea and laterally by lacrimal fossa.
The roof superior wall is formed primarily by the orbital plate frontal bone and also the lesser wing of sphenoid near the apex of the orbit.
This frequently causes downward and forward displacement of the globe.
The lateral wall is composed of the zygomatic bone and the greater wing of the sphenoid.
The roof or superior wall of the orbit separates the orbit from the anterior cranial fossa.
The maxilla separates the orbit from the underlying maxillary sinus.
Frontal process of maxilla 2.
The roof of the orbit is thin translucent and gently arched.
Posteriorly the superior wall is formed by the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone.
Trauma to the frontal bar of the superior orbital rim can cause a buckling of this bone in addition to fractures of the contralateral orbit.
Each orbit is roughly the shape of a quadrilateral pyramid whose base is the orbital margin and whose apex narrows at the optic canal.
Anatomically the outer portion of the eye is divided into three layers.
Each orbit has a floor roof medial wall and lateral wall fig.
This plate of bone separates the orbital cavity and the anterior cranial fossa.
The roof of the orbit is formed by the orbital plate of the frontal bone which separates the orbital cavity from the anterior cranial fossa.
The largest contributor of the roof is the orbital part of the frontal bone while the small posterior portion is completed by the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone.
Medial wall formed antero posteriorly 1.
The frontal bone separates the orbit from the anterior cranial fossa.
Clinical diagnosis is based on meticulous examination of the eye including patient vision and palpation of the orbital aperture.
The floor of the frontal sinus is the roof of the orbit comprised of the frontal bone and lesser wing of the sphenoid.
The superior wall or roof of the orbit is formed almost completely by the orbital plate of the frontal bone.
In adults the roof of the orbit is often paper thin in the area of the frontal sinus.