Eaves courses of tiles should be at same pitch as general tiling.
Roof eaves minimum overhang.
Eaves form the overhang to distribute water clear of the walls.
Two feet is the general maximum length for a typical roof overhang.
Roof overhangs can extend farther than 2 feet but beyond this length they begin to lose structural integrity and require external supports.
Many manufactured homes come with a 3 12 roof pitch but some can be upgraded to a 4 12 5 12 or greater.
The roof is flat and a crane lifts it up and it is unfolded into place on site.
This will protect a roof from most types of damage.
Lengths of drip vary but typically it s sold in ten foot lengths 120.
That is their functional purpose.
The eaves are the edges of the roof which overhang the face of a wall and normally project beyond the side of a building.
1 except as provided in sentence 2 eave protection shall be provided on shingle shake or tile roofs extending from the edge of the roof a minimum of 900 mm up the roof slope to a line not less than 300 mm inside the inner face of the exterior wall.
If a sprocketted or bell cast detail is used then eaves courses should beno lower than the minimum recommended roof pitch.
Usually pitches of 5 12 come only on modular homes with hinged roofs so they can be transported within height limits.
Drip edge varies in dimensions but typically the flange that nails to the roof surface is about 2 5 wide and the vertical edge that directs roof runoff down and away is about 1 5 in depth.
2 eave protection is not required a over unheated garages carports and porches.
However there is also an architectural purpose to them.
Eaves with over fascia ventilation set top of fascia board at correct level and fit ventilator in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.