Timber beam design seismic forces wind forces floor shearwall diagram lateral loads roof diaphragm design shearwall design continuous footing design.
Roof design notes.
Selection of gantry girder design of cross section check for moment capacity buckling resistance bi axial bending deflection at working load and fatigue strength.
All floors next to the ground walls and roof shall not be damaged by moisture from the ground rain or snow and shall not carry that moisture to any part of the building that it would damage.
Design objective the character of a historical roof should be preserved including its form features and materials whenever feasible.
Design of industrial roof truss 1.
There are many designs and combinations of double roofs.
Roof rafters spanning more than 20 m can be designed usual span to depth ratio of steep roof trusses is 7 5 to 12 panel width should be constant even number of panels avoids cross braces diagonal web members should be in tension under worst case loading inclination angle of the diagonals should be between 35 and 50.
Usages vary slightly from region to region or from one builder or architect to another.
Structural design i steel structures prof.
The main factors which influence the shape of roofs are the climate and the materials available for roof structure and the outer covering.
Roof shapes differ greatly from region to region.
A single flat sheet or a complex arrangement of slopes gables and hips.
As should the roof shape eaves cladding and the features of historic dormers.
Roof style pitch chimney height and chimney size are shown.
Roof terminology is also not rigidly defined.
The top and the bottom chord members are connected by vertical or diagonal members called web members.
The joints at which the web members are connected to the chords are called panel points.
Sres sanjivani college of engineering kopargaon.
Chimney flashings roof covering material and gable ventilation area shown.
Hip the hip roof has four sloping sides.
Approved doc c2 rainwater.
It is simple in design economical to construct and can be used on any type of structure.
The joint at the support is called the heel joint while the joint at the ridge is called the peak joint.
Altering the angle of a historic roof should be avoided.
Design criteria and specifications a.
The design of the roof will depend upon the size and shape of the ground fl oor plan of the building.
It is the strongest type of roof because it is braced by four hip rafters.
The drawing shows a partly hipped roof with one hipped end and one gable end.
In the table designates that shear wall sheating is to be applied on both faces of wall.
The roof of the building shall be resistant to the penetration of moisture from rain or snow to the inside of the building.
Or truncated to mini.
A fully hipped roof has no gables and the eaves run round the perimeter of the roof.
The roof pitch may be indicated using the fractional pitch or slope triangle.
Roof shapes vary from almost flat to steeply pitched.
6 6a design of gantry girder.
7 1 the original roof form and features should be preserved.
Chimney height above the highest point should be dimensioned and is usually 2 0 above the ridge.
They can be arched or domed.
2003 international building code.
A gable roof has a ridge at the center and slopes in two directions.