Once the section has been set out the length of the common rafter can be determined by drawing the rise and the span as a right angle joined together by the hypotenuse which will determine the slope of the roof.
Roof construction section.
A pitched roof is a roof that slopes downwards typically in two parts at an angle from a central ridge but sometimes in one part from one edge to another.
Cut to length and.
Additional construction details drawings.
Types of roof construction.
As well as the small selection of roof detail drawings shown here many of the building notes have a related construction detail drawing with specific dimensions eg rafter sizes spans insulations types for purchase with the building specifications.
A flat roof is generally defined as having a pitch not greater than 15 to the horizontal.
The roof section can be set out full size or to scale.
Whilst you can have tiled roofs of 10 15 these are really flat roof.
Section view through a house roof drawing showing names for parts of the structure.
Modern skillion roof photo by bill bradley flat or skillion roofs tend to be stick built i e.
It is the most common and least expensive method of roof construction for houses with a simple pitched roof with a flat ceiling and is a great place to run wires for lights and service pipes to bathrooms and kitchen areas however it is not possible to have a loft with roof truss construction.
Some good construction details for roof to wall expansion joints are available on the copper development.
Because typical concrete is porous it needs to be treated with an additive such as xypex which makes the concrete waterproof.
A truly flat roof would not allow rainwater to drain away so most flat roofs have a fall on them so that the rainwater naturally flows to collection points.
There are two basic types of roof construction.
Concrete construction the simplest way to construct a roof terrace is by utilising a concrete slab.
The roof is held up by walls or posts where one wall or the posts on one side are at a higher level than those on the opposite side.
Construction details for various types of expansion joints can be accessed from the specialty roofing products page on the johns manville website.
Means centers a typical line to which carpenters layout framing.
Flat roofs examples of flat roofs.
Click on the product type then click on technical then click on installation instructions.
There are two basic methods of pitched roof construction.
It is used where large buildings are framed under one roof where hasty or temporary construction is needed and where sheds or additions are erected.
A cut roof this is the traditional method of cutting the timber on site and building up the roof using rafters ridge boards joists and purlins etc the exact details being determined by the size of roof size of timbers etc.
Domestic roof construction is the framing and roof covering which is found on most detached houses in cold and temperate climates.
For a loft a conventional roof could be used.
The pitch of a roof is its vertical rise divided by its horizontal span and is a measure of its steepness.
A truss roof using factory made trusses which are delivered to site complete and just erected.
Pitched or sloping roofs.