This standing water can become problematic with other surfaces because the erosive effect can eventually find a way to enter the building.
Roof coating standing water.
Regardless of the formula roof coatings should never be an excuse to ignore ponding water issues.
A water based high build formula that possesses waterproofing insulating and soundproofing properties that beautifies protects and extends the life of most any sloped and flat roofing surfaces.
Thoroughly apply the coating to the patch spreading it out several feet beyond the patched area.
On a performing flat roof ponding water isn t a problem as it will just drain away.
This can cause issues including tip.
It s a diy product that anyone can apply and it will level out the roof and stop water ponding.
Then apply a coat of the pond coat 24 larger than the perimeter of the ponding area so in essence you will be overlapping the standard coating with pond coat and the pond coat will extend 24 beyond the furthest point of ponding water.
If only certain areas are ponding we recommend that you apply two coats of our standard roof coating up to 12 inside the ponding water area.
Your puddle will be a thing of the past.
Every roof needs positive drainage which means water should flow off the roof within 48 hours.
After this dries thoroughly spray the roof with water.
However when your flat roof has uneven areas an insufficient slope or drainage issues the water doesn t dissipate.
A significant difference exists between painting a roof white and installing an energy saving coating system that extend s a roof s service life.
Ponding or standing water is where the water collects on the roof and has not drained within a couple of days.
Managers must choose wisely because the selected roof coating typically is a 10 to 20 year investment and their only chance to make a smart choice.
When you use a silicone roof coating then you add a tremendous level of resilience to the final outcome.
When water pools for longer periods of time it can indicate a serious problem.
First standing water can be from a leaking areas that has saturated the underlying boardstock and caused it to compress.
If the water does not drain within a 48 hour period it is highly likely that it will stay even longer and there will be a larger amount of water standing.
Designed for well drained flat and level roof surfaces that do not accumulate any settling or standing water in excess of deep.
A flat roof will eventually find a spot where water likes to settle and puddle.
A roof inspection should reveal blocked drainage depressions in the roof structural issues or a lack of pitch.
Standing water can be caused by several different things and all need paid attention to.
However if you don t have perfect drainage and ponding water is an ongoing issue make sure the coatings being applied to your roof are a high quality acrylic coating with proven ponding water performance and that they are being installed properly.