One effective way to use battens is to cross batten.
Roof batten required.
The correct batten spacing is necessary because it corresponds to the gauge and head lap of the roof covering being installed.
This is important because the correct gauge and head lap has a direct influence on a tile s ability to withstand the ingress of rainwater through capillary ensuring that the roof remains watertight.
Apart from the narrowest parts of a hip or valley roof battens sections should be at least 1200mm long and span two rafters three fixing points.
Membrane roofing is a flat roofing system.
Then determine the position of the highest batten at the top typically the top of the uppermost row of slates tiles should be at least 75mm 3 inches under the edge of the ridge tile.
You say you are putting a cladding on the roof ply or osb.
Roof tile manufacturers make this easier by stating the number of tiles per metre squared.
Battens also may help with drainage when water leaks under the roof if they are not made of a material that will absorb water.
Step 1 measure the length of the eave or the bottom edge that hangs out over the home for each section of the roof.
Bs 5534 2014 is the british standard that sets out the requirements for roofing battens and it covers everything from the type and size of timber required to spacing and fixings.
Start by establishing the position for the lowest batten for the slates tiles on the roof allow for the overhang of the stales tiles in front of the fascia.
If you lay the usual tilers battens on this then each batten will form a little dam to hold water and dirt.
You do not have to use a batten roofing system under most building codes.
Whilst measures like pitch batten gauge and tile size factor into how much coverage is achieved the calculation to work out how many roof tiles you will need is relatively simple.
The total length of battens you need for a roof depends on the number of rows of tiles.
Your attic ventilation and insulation will also help with summer energy efficiency.
This is where you will place your final batten to allow the tile lugs to fit without pinching or breakage.
When jointing roof battens they should be neatly sawn and fixed on to the centre of the rafter with the nails angled slightly inwards.
First find out the area of the roof.
Battens also play a part in ensuring the rigidity durability and weather tightness of the finished roof.
The idea of the counterbattens is that they lift the tilers battens above the boards and felt so that water can run down under them in the same way that it runs down the felt.
Not every roof uses a batten system for example a membrane system does not use a batten system.
In some cases it is necessary but in most cases using batten on your roof is a choice to gain the benefits of using this system.
This involves putting down vertical battens first attaching them through the roof deck to the rafters.